The year is 1901. From May to November, millions alighted on Buffalo to explore the Pan-American Exposition, the world’s fair that showcased technological advancements. Well-suited...
From the household refrigerator to steam turbines, General Electric is everywhere. It all started in 1886 when Thomas Edison moved his company, Edison Machine Works,...
Story time has officially expanded beyond the written word. Amid a wide array of online reading opportunities and e-books emerges One More Story, a unique...
Decorated storefronts, candlelight tours, fireworks shows: throughout New York State the holiday season is being celebrated with more than just tree lightings. Here's a look...
It started with coffee. In the tense and emotional days following the Sept. 11, 2001 tragedies, Betsy Wiggins, a Christian, was worried that Muslim women...
At Farm Sanctuary, a bucolic Watkins Glen haven for farm animals rescued from inhumane conditions, Thanksgiving is a special holiday —but for a very unexpected...
Manhasset, Montauk, Massapequa, Merrick, Setauket. The names originally bestowed by Native Americans upon areas throughout Long Island still are spoken on a daily basis. And...
Necessity is the mother of invention. As a corollary, budget cuts can be effective calls to creative action. This is particularly true if the budget...
“They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn...