Standard shipping is calculated at checkout.
Shipments to Alaska and Hawaii automatically incur a $20.00 shipping fee, applied at checkout.
Due to the made-to-order nature of many of our products, please inquire about expedited shipping before purchasing an item.
Delivery timelines vary by product and are noted on each product’s page. Many items arrive one business week. Made-to-order and customized items may require several weeks.
Each product ships directly from its Maker. If you purchased products from multiple Makers, some may arrive before others, but all will be delivered to you according to the timeline listed on the product's page. We will notify you whenever a product ships. If your product doesn't arrive within its delivery window, shoot us an email at and include your order number and the name of the missing product(s).
For international shipping rates, please inquire before purchasing an item(s).
Most orders, particularly custom or made-to-order items, are FINAL SALE and non-returnable. If the item is returnable, it will be indicated within the product description.
In general, we do not process exchanges, but will review requests on a case-by-case basis. Email us at
If your order was damaged during shipment, please send an email to, and include your order number, product description and a brief explanation of the damage, and we will be in touch.
We occasionally offer discount codes. Customers must manually enter the discount code during the checkout and payment process. Customers who fail to manually enter the discount code at checkout will not be refunded after ordering.