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January 2021: New York “Hibernating” State of Mind

January 2021: New York “Hibernating” State of Mind

Shop Sugar Sugar Jigsaw Puzzle now >>

We have officially (and gladly!) said goodbye to 2020. It was quite bizarre to see Times Square virtually empty New Year’s Eve, but hopeful, too, as millions of us celebrated remotely from the comfort of our family rooms. It’s now a fresh, new year full of enormous promise, though one we must navigate wisely as we continue to do our part to help stop the spread of the pandemic. So this January, we are in a “Hibernating” State of Mind. It’s the perfect time to hunker down at home, read, write, watch movies/series, pick up a new hobby, or even finish a project! 

Just because we at New York Makers are socially holed up, like you, doesn’t mean we’re “sleeping on the job”! We have plenty of great stories to tell this month, like that of New York artist Will Moses, the great-grandson of legendary folk artist Grandma Moses. The Moses’, including Will’s grandfather Forrest K., used to work their family farm during the summer and head indoors to paint all winter. Today, many of Will’s original paintings are made into jigsaw puzzles and are some of our most popular items on the New York Makers Marketplace. We like to think puzzles have helped us get through this pandemic in “one piece”. Haha. 

Speaking of “sleeping on the job”...are you familiar with America’s best known human hibernator? Do you remember author Washington Irving’s folktale Rip Van Winkle? Set in the Catskills’ pre-American Revolution, Rip Van Winkle drinks a “magic potion” and falls asleep for 20 years only to wake up to a completely different post-war world (Below is a link to purchase the book)! Do you wonder what it will be like when we all reenter the world in which we used to live? Will it have been changed so much by COVID-19?

Click image to purchase "Rip Van Winkle" by Washington Irving

We will also share a list of New York-themed films curated by one of our favorite New York-based producers, Donald Rosenfeld. A January filled with cozy nights on the couch with hot (maple) chocolate and movies, count us in! 

If you are looking for new crafts or fun activities to do at home this winter, we have a few Marketplace collections just for you: DIY kits, puzzles, and coloring books. We are also looking forward to welcoming new makers to our Marketplace. Stay tuned!

The garnet is the birthstone of January and the official gem of New York State! Shop Garnet Studio jewelry now >>

January is a critical month for all of us. We will keep you entertained while you stay safe at home. Be well and do a little “hibernating” with us this January!

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